Enola Holmes Tag With a New Platform Update!

Hello! It’s been about a week so I decided to come back with a fun tag and a great update (at the end of this post)!!! I loved the Enola Holmes movie but have yet to read the books! A huge thanks to Phoenix @ Books With Wings for tagging me!


  1. List the rules and the prompts of the tag in your post
  2. Thank the person who tagged you and pingback to their post
  3. Give credits to the creator of the tag, Bellerose Reads, and pingback to her post.
  4. Tag at least 5 people to do the tag.

Enola Holmes: An independent and smart female protagonist

Dustborn by Erin Bowman

Dustborn by Erin Bowman in the first book that came to mind! Delta, the main character is forging her way for her family on a desert planet fighting an unknown and proved dangerous enemy and you can read my full review here!

Sherlock Holmes: Your favorite mystery/thriller book

Amazon.com: When (9781484701492): Laurie, Victoria: Books

Art, I tell you, art. When is an intricately crafted mystery with strong characters, an unpredictable plot, and best of all, motive! Full review!

Eudoria Holmes: A character who defies the rules of their society

Literally every female protagonist in the YA society. That is all. (Cassia Reyes from the Matched trilogy is a good character who defies her society.)

Mycroft Holmes: The most annoying character you know

You know all the typical female protagonists I mentioned earlier? Some of them are decent some are not so much… Like Phoenix, I don’t really have an answer for this one. I am ‘annoyed’ by racist people but leaning more on the hating side so most characters from Wings of Ebony by J. Elle. Review here!

Lord Tewksbury: A character you want to protect at all costs

Marissa Meyer Reflects on Her Iconic Lunar Chronicles Series - Den of Geek

Literally every cinnamon roll on the crew from this series! (Except Jacin-) They all have such different personalities and work so well together it fills me up with joy (and spaceships).

Inspector Lestrade: A loyal side character

Captain Rex - Wikipedia

Rex even has a page on WikiPedia- my heart. Rex appears in so many Star Wars shows. 50+ episodes in Clone Wars alone. He fought his inhibitor chip so hard (I will not watch the last episode again I will not) and would do anything for his brothers and other fellow soldiers. (This counts because TCW is a book series, along with Rebels)

Miss Harrisson: A book that aged like milk

The Vanishing Violin by Michael D. Beil

Literally the best prompt name ever right there. I LOVED The Ring of Rocamadour, the Vanishing Violin dropped to okay but The Mistaken Masterpiece was definitely not a masterpiece. Some parts of each book were lovable and by lovable I mean cute little doggies who stole the show. But of course I plan on shoving through the final book soon.

Linthorn: A character you hated from the beginning

Amazon.com: The Traitor's Game (The Traitor's Game, Book 1) (1)  (9781338045376): Nielsen, Jennifer A.: Books

Trina, Trina, and Trina. She was annoying, and some how in some way snobbish. She was the opposite of a go with the flow person. I like nothing about her other than her dagger.

Edith: Your favorite book with black rep

Amazon.com: Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orisha, 1)  (9781250170972): Adeyemi, Tomi: Books

Wings of Ebony, Ahsoka, also fit this prompt but I’ve already used Wings of Ebony and Children of Blood and Bone has more rep. Children of Blood and Bone is an Epic African Fantasy novel with characters that steal your heart. Then crush it.

That’s all for this tag! I don’t know who all has read/watched Enola Holmes. If this tag looks interesting to you, go ahead! I tag anyone whose name starts with A, C, L, or S! The Enola Holmes tag was super fun to do and I recommend it!

Have you read any of the books/shows mentioned?

For the new platform update!

I’ll be launching a Bookstagram (the lovely little bookish corner of Instagram) sometime this week! I’ll dedicate a full post to that asking for advice, telling you the handle, and explaining what I’ll be posting there!

Thank you so much for reading! Until the next book!

Published by Brooke W.

Hello! I'm a book blogger who loves reading (clearly) and talking about books!

14 thoughts on “Enola Holmes Tag With a New Platform Update!

  1. oooh dustborn looks so good, i’ll definitely have to check it out!! and ahh you don’t like jacin? 🥺🥺 he’s one of my favourites in the crew haha, but agreed those characters are truly precious!! and ooh glad to hear you’ll be coming to bookstagram, i just made the leap a few months ago and it’s truly a different experience!! looking forward ❤

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